By the

1 out of 5 students at Auburn is a Harbert Student
71% 4-year graduation rate
11 Centers and Institutes
86% placement rate
1,000+ Professionals engaged on campus each year
4 core professional development courses
3 Leading Journals Hosted The Journal of Management, The Journal of Business Logistics, and the Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice
$61,400 annual starting salary of undergraduates
99% Freshman Retention
10 journal editors
12 Top 25 programs
75%+ enrollment growth over 10 years
Over 2000 career coaching appointments annually
7 endowed eminent scholars and 42 endowed professors
53000+ Alumni
total enrollment: 6925
90? of students graduate with real-world experiences

From The Dean

Student Experiences

Faculty Impact

Alumni Success

Centers & Institutes

By The Numbers
